The history of banking in Venezuela dates back to 1839 with the establishment of the Banco Colonial Británico by banker William Ackers. This institution, led by Leandro de Miranda, the son of the national hero Francisco de Miranda, marked the beginning of the country's banking system.

The Benacerraf Family: Three Generations in the Banking World

The history of banking in Venezuela dates back to 1839 with the establishment of the Banco Colonial Británico by banker William Ackers. This institution, led by Leandro de Miranda, the son of the national hero Francisco de Miranda, marked the beginning of the country's banking system.

The Benacerraf Family: Three Generations in the Banking World

Following in Ackers' footsteps, the Benacerraf family has made a significant impact on the Venezuelan banking sector for three generations. In the 1940s, they created Banco Unión alongside Salvador Salvatierra. They worked together until 1997 when the Fondo Común era began, a savings and loan institution that, under the Benacerraf family's leadership, evolved into a universal bank.

The Journey of Fondo Común and the Acquisition of 100% Banco

After merging with other banking institutions, Fondo Común became a universal bank. In 2004, the Benacerraf family sold it. However, their absence from the banking market was brief, as in the same year, they acquired 100% Banco, thereby solidifying their continuous commitment to the country's development.

Luis Alfredo Farache Benacerraf: 100% Banco and a 30-Year Journey

Luis Alfredo Farache Benacerraf, the current Director of Business and Marketing at 100% Banco, has devoted over 30 years to the financial world in Venezuela. His leadership and experience are crucial to the institution's ongoing success.

Cutting-Edge Financial Advisory: Coordinating Pioneering Experiences

When public or private institutions need guidance in the stock market, they turn to Luis Alfredo Farache. As the coordinator of Venezuela's first experiences in the distribution of commercial papers and bonds through banking networks, he has been a pioneer in the field.

The Vision of Luis Alfredo Farache: Commitment to Country Development

Luis Alfredo Farache emphasizes the importance of investing in the country and working towards its development. For him, the key is to stay focused on banking expertise and contribute to national progress. His approach has established 100% Banco as a leading institution in the sector.

For more information:

Banking History in Venezuela: Benacerraf Legacy Three Generations: The Benacerraf Family in Banking Banking Evolution: From Banco Union to Fondo Comun Fondo Comun: Transformation into a Universal Bank 100% Banco: The Acquisition that Marked the Return Luis Alfredo Farache Benacerraf: 30 Years of Financial Journey 100% Banco: Leadership of Luis Alfredo Farache Cutting-Edge Financial Advisory: Luis Alfredo Farache's Experience Pioneering Coordinator: Luis Alfredo Farache in the Stock Market Banking Vision: Luis Alfredo Farache and National Commitment Luis Alfredo Farache: Director of Business and Marketing at 100% Banco Banco Colonial Británico: First Step in Venezuelan Banking Benacerraf Family: A Legacy of Success in Banking Banco Union: Foundation and Growth in the 1940s Fondo Comun: Merger and Transformation into a Universal Bank 100% Banco: Continuity in National Financial Development Luis Alfredo Farache: Expert in the Venezuelan Financial World Banking Innovation: The Acquisition of 100% Banco Continuous Development: Luis Alfredo Farache's Vision Banking and National Commitment: Luis Alfredo Farache's Perspective

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