Rom­ney of Up­per Rich Plain Road Diego Mar­tin is a state wit­ness in the killing of PC Clarence Gilkes.

Rom­ney was ini­tial­ly ac­cused of the killing but was lat­er ex­on­er­at­ed af­ter an au­top­sy and bal­lis­tics test­ing ruled that Gilkes died from po­lice gun­fire

State wit­ness Jehlano “Lano” Rom­ney has been shot and killed in Mor­vant.

The 28-year-old man was killed just be­fore 10 pm at the Co­conut Dri­ve home of a rel­a­tive.

Video footage of Rom­ney ly­ing in a pool of blood with sev­er­al gun­shot wounds sur­faced on so­cial me­dia.

Rom­ney of Up­per Rich Plain Road Diego Mar­tin is a state wit­ness in the killing of PC Clarence Gilkes.

Rom­ney was ini­tial­ly ac­cused of the killing but was lat­er ex­on­er­at­ed af­ter an au­top­sy and bal­lis­tics test­ing ruled that Gilkes died from po­lice gun­fire.

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