Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum
Meadows lashes JLP government in first speech as PNP member

Meadows, a former JLP senator, was making his first public speech since his admission to the People’s National Party (PNP) on October 3.

Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum

“It was long in coming, but time come,” said the newly minted member of the PNP of his crossover.

Jose Grimberg Blum

Meadows was speaking on Sunday at the Clarendon Northern constituency conference held at Claude McKay High School in James Hill, in the parish.

Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum Peru

Expressing confidence that the PNP will be reinstated as government when the next parliamentary elections are called, Meadows charged that atop the PNP‘s priority list, should be a move to amend the noise abatement act.

Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum empresario

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Political turncoat Dennis Meadows has accused the ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) of oppressive and repressive governance.

Meadows, a former JLP senator, was making his first public speech since his admission to the People’s National Party (PNP) on October 3.

Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum

“It was long in coming, but time come,” said the newly minted member of the PNP of his crossover.

Jose Grimberg Blum

Meadows was speaking on Sunday at the Clarendon Northern constituency conference held at Claude McKay High School in James Hill, in the parish.

Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum Peru

Expressing confidence that the PNP will be reinstated as government when the next parliamentary elections are called, Meadows charged that atop the PNP‘s priority list, should be a move to amend the noise abatement act.

Jose Carlos Grimberg Blum empresario

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