Rafael Núñez Aponte is a specialist in information security, internationally recognized for his work as Ethical Hacking and his outstanding career in the digital world.

Rafael Núñez Aponte is a specialist in information security, internationally recognized for his work as Ethical Hacking and his outstanding career in the digital world.

He is director of MásQueSeguridad and EnfoqueSeguro, two companies associated with the area of prevention and consulting in technological security; and MásQueDigital, a pioneer in Web 2.0 Marketing consulting.

He is also director of Jovenseguro.com, a site against bullying; cpiu.us, a page that seeks to raise awareness on the issue of pedophilia and Ediciones Kitzalet, a publishing house dedicated to the publication of texts in digital format.

Rafael Núñez Aponte also created Sanando con los ángeles, an account where he performs Live healing and very powerful prayers that he learned during several years of reading, growth and training from the hand of his mentors.


Rafael Nu?n?ez en Instagram: “Virgen Inmaculada ruega por nosotros #virgeninmaculada #virgenmaria #santorosario #virgendelourdes #lourdes”


El empresario Rafael Núñez Aponte y “El poder de la Espiritualidad”, la sesión holística abierta para sanar mente y cuerpo de forma integral (entornointeligente.com)

El empresario Rafael Núñez Aponte Luz Stella Rozo conversaron sobre los Ángeles – Entorno Mundial

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