Solo el 10% de las empresas aprovecha al máximo el potencial de la nube

The president of the board of directors of Bancamiga, Carmelo de Grazia, informed that the clients of this bank have the opportunity to pay Income Tax instantly, without having to go to an agency, through Internet Banking or its application Bancamiga Suite.

Ordinary taxpayers have until March 31 to do so through or through the Bancamiga Suite application.

Once the declaration has been made on the page of the National Customs and Tax Administration Service, the person (ordinary taxpayer) must enter Bancamiga online to cancel. He/she must go to the Public Bodies, SENIAT module and follow the established steps. The process is quick and easy.

Customers have the advantage that Bancamiga has a 7×24 system 365 days a year, so they can enter Internet Banking at any time and pay SENIAT procedures.

"Most of the time the customer prefers to do their paperwork online. This benefits us considerably because we are a technological bank. We understood a long time ago that face-to-face processes generate slowness and make everything more complex", expressed Carmelo de Grazia.

Individuals and legal entities (ordinary taxpayers) have until March 31 to pay ISLR.



Solo el 10% de las empresas aprovecha al máximo el potencial de la nube

Carmelo de Grazia, Presidente de Bancamiga: Bancamiga sigue impulsando valores con la comunidad – Economía Venezuela (

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