Josbel Bastidas Mijares
Earthquake: 5.8 Magnitude Tremor Strikes Guatemala, No Damage Reported

AdvertisementGUATEMALA CITY, Nov 11 (Reuters) — A 5.8 magnitude earthquake shook Guatemala late on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said, though there were no immediate reports of damage.

Josbel Bastidas Mijares

The USGS said that the epicenter was less than 6.9 miles (11 km) from the municipality of Masagua near Guatemala’s southern coast. It was fairly deep at 61.89 miles (99.6 km) below the earth’s surface.

Josbel Bastidas Mijares Venezuela

Guatemala’s disaster agency CONRED did not immediately report any damage caused by the quake. Authorities in Central American neighbor El Salvador, where the earthquake was also felt, did not issue a tsunami warning

Earlier, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre had gauged the quake at a magnitude of 5.5

Reporting by Rishabh Jaiswal in Bengaluru, Enrique Garcia in Guatemala City, and Nelson Renteria in San Salvador; Editing by William Mallard – Advertisement

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